Chatham University

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Upcoming Events

  • Jan

    CWE Open House - In-Person

    09:30 AM - 11:00 AM
    Come meet the Center for Women’s Entrepreneurship (CWE) staff in-person and learn about our programs for entrepreneurs and small business owners, including free business counseling and technical assistance, business resources, training programs and membership. Light refreshments provided. Free parking.

    9:30 – 10:00AM: Networking & Refreshments
    10:00 - 10:30AM: CWE Introduction, Programming & Membership
    10:30 - 10:45AM: CWE Member Success Story
    10:45 – 11:00AM: Networking and Tour of Prototyping & Design Lab

    To register for the Open House, CLICK HERE!

  • Feb

    Webinar: Selling Your Business is Hard! How to Ensure Your Business is Ready When You Are Ready

    12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
    Three out of four business sales don't close. One of the primary reasons is because owners don't take the time to prepare for their exit. Owners who have run a successful business assume that the buyer only cares about how profitable it is, but that is only the tip of the iceberg. This webinar will help you think about your business like a buyer will be thinking about it during the sale process so that when the time comes, you will be prepared.

    Matthew Caiazza, Managing Director, Matthew Thomas Advisors
    To register for the Webinar, CLICK HERE!
  • Feb

    Concept to Launch - Online

    06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
    "Concept to Launch" is a 6-week entrepreneurial training program for entrepreneurs in the early stages of starting a business.

    Dates: Six Wednesday evenings from 6-8 PM starting on February 19th and ending on March 26th.

    The Spring program will be offered Online Only and offered at a reduced rate of $65. The program is capped at 30 participants.

    Current CWE Members can take the class for the further reduced price of $20. Email for the coupon code.

    Required: Zoom capable device and internet access to participate for all classes.

    Certificate of Completion will be awarded to participants who complete four or more classes live.

    Classes focus on:

    - Developing the business ... read more

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  • CWE is excited to celebrate our designation as a National WBC of Excellence for 2024!
    CWE is excited to celebrate our designation as a National WBC of Excellence for 2024!

  • Support the Center | Center for Women's Entrepreneurship at Chatham University